Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008 and Counting...

New Year, same sh#*t.

I guess we all have to search our soul for those meanings and purposes that make life worth the short-long experience it is. I hate to start on such a low key, but the high key that i was waiting for at midnight new year's eve didn't show. I was hoping to feel different after midnight, you know, get some closure on the old year. Course, i spent the holiday with my loved ones, us, loving each other; but after the countdown and fireworks, well, let's just say it was life as usual: another stinking day on the calendar. Morgage due, tuition fee due, RA hours due, essay due, child care costs due, cell phone bill due and the list goes on. My resolution is simple: mind over matter, this year. Funny, my hobby has been living that resolution for years.

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