Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's Night

Lovers lock lips
Beneath the starlight
Between armed wintry bliss
Burning bright in stolen firelight
Splintered rose-buds, caravan kisses.
Chicled desires sounding strange, consent
Liquid love melting stern caresses.
The Night praises, a hidden moment
Leaping fences--
It's the time for love, love, loving!

Checkered rainbow cross backs and faces
Lovers bend and bow to nonstop tempo
Come closer, hear the mellow secrets stolen?
The Night, Time for love.


metro mama said...

Sounds like your Valentine's day was a lot more exciting than mine!

Jer said...

LOL, I used my imagination for this poem, thinking of all you lovely people who were having Fun!

Btw, my Night wasn't too bad at all!

Lauren said...

Haha! Very nice poem. I wish I could've gotten some of that on V-Day... or any day. Damn long-distance relationships!